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The Wealth Advisor

Helping Clients Share the Love

How Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts Can Secure Your Clients' Futures

This February, you can help your married clients show their love with a unique type of trust called a spousal lifetime access trust (SLAT). Read more to learn how that can "lockin" a high federal estate tax exemption, adapt to future needs, and preserve wealth for younger beneficiaries.

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An Advisor's Guide to Qualified Terminable Interest Property Trusts

Around Valentine's Day, many couples are looking for ways to display their affection. Read more to understand the nuances of qualified terminable interest property (QTIP) trusts and ways to customize them to help clients show love to their spouse with a gift that lasts a lifetime - and in many cases, even longer.

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Power Play: How a General Power of Appointment Trust Can Strengthen Your Clients' Legacies

A proper estate plan can help ensure that the surviving spouse is taken care of, that the deceased spouse's wishes are honored after they pass away, and, if necessary, that the marital deduction is utilized to address any estate tax concerns the couple may have. Read more to learn about one solution for married couples that places assets for the surviving spouse in a general power of appointment (GPOA) trust.

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4325 Windsor Centre Trail
Suite 400
Flower Mound Texas 75028

This newsletter is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be construed as written advice about a Federal tax matter. Readers should consult with their own professional advisors to evaluate or pursue tax, accounting, financial, or legal planning strategies.
You have received this newsletter because I believe you will find its content valuable. Please feel free to Contact Me if you have any questions about this or any matters relating to estate planning.