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The Wealth Counselor

Love and Estate Planning

Protect Your Wealth and Your Spouse with a Spousal Lifetime Access Trust

While chocolates and flowers are nice gestures in February, a spousal lifetime access trust (SLAT) can make a more lasting gift, especially with the record-high estate tax exemption set to decrease drastically in 2026. In general terms, a SLAT is a trust that allows you to transfer your assets (for example, your accounts, money, and property) to your spouse while minimizing estate taxes and shielding those assets from probate and potential creditors. Read more to discover the world of SLATs.

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Maximize Tax Benefits and Protect Your Spouse with a Qualified Terminable Interest Property Trust

While the gift of a qualified terminable interest property (QTIP) trust may not be the most romantic Valentine's Day gesture, read more to learn about how it could prove to be more thoughtful, caring, and valuable than an off -the-shelf purchase.

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Appointing Your Legacy: A Guide to Using a General Power of Appointment Trust to Protect Your Spouse

Through sickness and health, thick and thin, you and your spouse have been there for each other. You may even share almost everything, including your estate plan. That plan expresses the love and trust you have built over the years. Read more to ensure that you and your spouse will be financially and legally taken care of when something happens to one of you.

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4325 Windsor Centre Trail
Suite 400
Flower Mound Texas 75028

This newsletter is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be construed as written advice about a Federal tax matter. Readers should consult with their own professional advisors to evaluate or pursue tax, accounting, financial, or legal planning strategies.
You have received this newsletter because I believe you will find its content valuable. Please feel free to Contact Me if you have any questions about this or any matters relating to estate planning.