Being Deployed? Here’s What You Need to Do

You just received your orders, and you will be deployed shortly. No matter the time frame, there is still time to make sure your affairs are in order. 1.Review or prepare a Family Care PlanRegardless of the branch of the military in which you are serving, you may be required to complete a Family Care Plan. It is […]

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Estate Planning Is More Than Just Death Planning

Many believe that estate planning is simply instructions on how to distribute your assets when you pass away, but the reality is that proper estate planning can do much more. While one major benefit of estate planning is to provide for your family and friends when you are gone, there are many benefits for you as well. Additional […]

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Estate Planning for Rental Property Owners

In all parts of the country, services such as Airbnb have grown in popularity over the past few years. Indeed, these alternatives to hotel stays are popular among homeowners and vacationers alike. If you have a home or other rental property that is generating income, you should understand the following asset protection and estate planning considerations. Protecting Owners […]

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4 Tips for Avoiding a Will or Trust Contest

A will or trust contest can derail your final wishes, rapidly deplete your estate, and tear your loved ones apart. But with proper planning, you can help your family avoid a potentially disastrous will or trust contest.   If you are concerned about challenges to your estate plan, consider the following: Do not attempt “do it yourself” solutions. If you […]

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Stress Test Your Estate Plan

So you have done the hard work of establishing an estate plan. Good for you!However, you still have serious work to do to ensure that the strategy you have selected will maximize your peace of mind and protect your legacy. Estate plans should be like living, breathing creations that reflect the changes in your life. Your life can and […]

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When is “living probate” necessary?

If you become incapacitated, who is going to take care of you?  You will not be able to make medical decisions for yourself and you will not be able to manage your day-today affairs.  If you do not have the appropriate estate plan in place, your family may be headed to the probate court long before you are deceased. Conservatorship […]

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