Does Your Revocable Living Trust Reduce Your Federal Estate Tax Bill?

  Many believe that once they set up and fund a revocable living trust, property held in the trust will completely avoid federal estate taxes after they die. In reality, a living trust does not provide any unique estate tax avoidance strategies. The primary mechanisms for reducing estate taxes—the unlimited marital deduction and the charitable deduction—apply whether money […]

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Your Post-Honeymoon Legal Checklist

  Your wedding day was absolutely perfect. You and your spouse went on your honeymoon and had the time of your lives. Now you are back and can breathe a sigh of relief as the years ahead unfold before your eyes. Well, not so fast. With your honeymoon over, there are several things you should be mindful of […]

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Estate Planning for the Newly Married

  Now is the perfect time to start working on an estate plan. As newlyweds, you are likely in the process of deciding which of your accounts and property (your assets) to combine and how to turn two households into one. You may also be setting up new bank accounts and creating a plan for paying shared bills […]

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Happy 18th Birthday! Now What?

Congratulations! You are now legally an adult. Although you may not feel any different, from a legal standpoint, a great deal has changed. When you were a minor (under age 18), your parents were your legal guardians responsible for making all your decisions. Now that you are an adult, their legal authority over you is limited, if not […]

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HIPAA: An Overview for Young Adults

The Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) was enacted to provide guidelines to the healthcare industry for protecting patient information and preserving privacy. This is usually a nonissue for minors because parents, as legal guardians, generally have access to their children’s medical information, make most of their medical decisions, and pay the expenses. However, […]

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